okay so i totally dreamed about POO last night.
i'm not trying to advertise this. but i didn't remember it until the middle of my shift at work and then i was like WHOA. i feel like it was two distinct dreams, but both were poop-related. in one, i definitely stepped in a pile of shit, barefoot. i felt like it was kinda gross but in the dream i was very methodical and practical about trying to scrape it off.
in the other dream, i was taking a crap with the door open. i didn't want the door to be open but somehow i was powerless to close it, and everyone was totally talking about me whilst i shat.
these must be stupid work anxiety dreams. but there's surprisingly little um, "information" online about this. not like when i dreamed about trying to catch a frog, a really vivid dream that stayed with me when i woke up, and i looked that up online and found a shitload (heh) of hits that all said dreaming about trying to catch a frog was about your loved ones being concerned about your health. or whatever. something specific and scary. and apt, like a horoscope or a fortune cookie or whatever crap you feel like paying attention to.
anyway there doesn't seem to be a consensus how one should interpret a dream about public defecation. or even about stepping in poo. vulnerability, helplessness...?