couple next to me last night:
"i think i'll do a bloody mary."
"i'm gonna do a lobster roll. or maybe we should just do the happy hour specials?"
"i can't do anything on that menu. i'm just gonna do a salad."
once we ordered stuff. and then we would "have" things...
in spanish (and i think french? probably a number of languages) the verb "to drink" is the same as "to take." you can also use this verb (tomar) for food. "taking" food and drink makes some sense, as much as "taking" pills does. i can see where it would be linguistically efficient to combine those verbs.
and i've always liked the verb "have" as in doing sex [sic] with a person. as in "i had her last night." but no one really says that anymore, do they? it's more common to "do" people than to "have" them, these days, assuming either one is still used at all. (why be ambiguous when you can just say "hook up" -- whatever that means.)
and now we "do" food and "eat" pills. how 'bout that?